Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not getting rid of the cat that easily...

So today the lady who's interested in Blossom (our foster cat) was supposed to come today. So I spent a few hours making the kitchen/family room spotless, then made some blueberry muffins since I figured mom wouldn't have time to make dinner. Tasty muffins. Starting to really like baking.
The lady came, while blossom was on my lap, and saw how adorable she is. But the lady and her friend were so loooud and quirky (but in a good way)...Blossom wasn't too happy about the loud stranger. So she drew blood. Alot of it. The lady might not be so interested in her anymore....^^;;; Ah well. Off to catch up in watching bleach (watching, not reading). Why isn't Kenpachi here yet??!! -.-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Disturbed, school, volunteering

Long time no blog.

Last weekend I went to see Disturbed in concert with Trevor, Jason, Nate, and mt up with JJ, Johnny and friends there. It was AMAZING. The first act was alright, screamer band-like, good warm-up. The second band, Skindred, was great, a really nice surprise. A band from Britan, they combine Jamaican-style vocals with Metal yelling etc, and great instrumentals. I bought a CD of them from FYE the next day, my first CD since Josh Groban :P

Jason and Nate came over for Saturday and Sunday. which was pretty cool. Always nice to hang out with friends from Alfred, esp. when one is my BF ^_^ We hung out at the mall Sunday (I picked up that CD and Kingdom Hearts, Jason got a stack of games) and watched much Beverly Hillbillies :P

So today I went to the Spencerport schools. I'm trying to see if I can shadow the ESL teacher, to pick up some teaching skills amd such before May. Went back this evening for orientation, filling out forms and learning that hitting the little buggers was bad, and I can't drink or smoke on any campus. There goes all my fun. Turns out they also need volunteers for watching elementary school kids in the pool to make sure they don't drown during the 4th and 6th grade "Lets teach these kids how to swim." sounds like fun, hope I can get some swimming in too ^_^

So I've started walking during the day. Okay, so it's not jogging or whatever, but I don't feel comfortable jogging in front of complete strangers passing by in their cars. Trying to get out half an hour-an hour a day, if nothing else for the meditative aspect of it. Also trying to play tennis with adam, which has been proving difficult lately cause of the snow. Tennis courts when wet are slippery as soap!

So here I am, watching Dog the Bounty Hunter (and Densha Otoko) and telling myself to get off my butt and do something. Ha. I like chocolate. And cheese. Cheese is good.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cats, cookies, and superbowl

Okay, so I actually watched the superbowl this year. *gasp* I didn't even know who was playing until yesterday. Came down this morning (afternoon) to my mom wearing a Bills jersey. So of course I donned a soccer jersey from a Mexican Guadalajara team...not even football, but its sports, and it actually got me in the sportsy mood ^_^ So dad, mom, adam and I ate nachos, made cookies, had pillowfights, and paused all activity whenever commercials came on, of course!

The best commercial was the ABC one about people LMAO-ing...people actually laughing their asses off at ABC's shows. The best play of the game IMHO was in the first half when the Steelers guytook the ball and ran right down that field for a touchdown. Now, I know close to nothing about football, but even I know that he wasn't built for running, that linebacker (big tough guys)..they had to give him oxygen after the heroic effort lol.

Mom makin some cookies

Us being tired and giddy and posing for a picture, go sports!

Adam tortured mom with a giant flower throughout part of the first half of the game.

So yesterday I went to my aunt Katie and uncle Scott's place. After a nice spaghetti dinner, they caught some sleep (i ddin't) and I drove them to the airport at 4:15am in the morning today. Got home at about 5:30 and crashed till 2. Lucky ducks are going on a Disney cruise and then spending a week at Disneyland. But that's okay, because I get to house-sit their 4 awesome cats, with a huge high-def tv and surround-sound, fast wireless internet, and a grandfather right next door to go skiing with. Touchdown!!!I'll probably go down in a few days to play with the cats.

X Japan is really an awesome band. Now that they're back together, I reeeeally hope I get the chance to see them in concert (minus Hide, may he rest in peace). Meanwhile though, the ticket's all printed out for Disturbed on the 21st. Apparently my family's going to be out of town that weekend. Second touchdown! And that's game. Now for the post-game show, Bucket List :P