Friday, June 19, 2009

Still no Japan, keepin busy.

Blaaaaah, still waiting for Japan. Just got an email from Yatani (my Japanese professor)saying to be patient, and explaining the next steps. Apparently paperwork is being mailed to me (and also Nick). Once I get that, I drive to New York city to hand it in, fill out more paperwork, etc. Then there is ANOTHER few days wait til I gotta go there AGAIN and get my passport stamped. wtf. An email has been sent askink if I can just mail the stuff to them, cause that's just ridiculous.

Yatani also set us up with our travel agent-person, and she has emailed a "Hiyas, how's it goin?" kinda thing. It's nice to know that there is someone who knows the ropes that we ca turn to for flight arrangements.

So, how am I keeping busy? Well, last weekend I went to the mall, and then clubbing with Matt and his friend Anna. It was some goth club, so it was pretty laid-back. More like a bar with optional dancing lol.

Recently I started up again on Gaia. I've been focusing on getting money by playing the marketplace. Buy low, sell high, etc. It's pretty amazing that these little online communities have economics systems like this. There's fashion trends you have to look out for to see what sells high, I usually stock up on like of a popular item if the price is really low, then when it gets high again, sell them off 1 at a time (so I don't flood the market). Went from about 1000 gold to around 60,000 (throughout 2 accounts) in about 2 or 3 days. With about 10,000 more worth in the market curretly ^_^ I'm pretty happy about that.
Another cool thing about this site is that it's an anime, art, gaming, general cute stuffs community - my kind of place! Downside is that the average age is somewhere around 14 yrs old, so you get alot of immaturity....

The WoW account is now closed again (>.<) I don't need too many addicting things taking up my time, should study more Japanese...

And on that note, I found a great kanji workbook on the internet. One little download, a bit of printing, and presto! Just for the cost of ink (instead of $15-50) I can now learn 500 kanji fast and fun! ^(>.<)^ Yatta!

I've been recording on my new camcorder the fireman's carnival and parade to show the little kiddies in Japan what an American festival is like (if they care to see it). Mmmmm fried dough....

Sooo that's it for now, will post with good news when it happens!

1 comment:

  1. OMG im waiting for the first "IM IN JAPAN THIS IS AWESOME" post >.>
