Friday, July 24, 2009

Good news and bad news

The good news: Heck yeah Japan!!! A festival is going to happen tomorrow, I`m psyched. I`m also going to travel to Tokyo, and maybe Kyoto, next week.

The bad news: I can`t access any of the money in my bank account because I don`t have A. a money card and B. a stamp. Also, the internet won`t come until the 30th. >.<

So right now I`m stealing the school`s internet to look for and book rooms in Tokyo.

Also, Tonight I`m invited to a welcome dinner with Katsuno-san and Sasaki-san. Should be fun!


  1. Awww...The 30th? :( Most of us will be heading to CTcon then.

  2. Well I`ll hopefully be in Tokyo then, so... :P
