Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Elementary school and Dragonball

Today, I visited one of the elementary schools. Going to the elementary schools is a bit of a treat, because we go so infrequently (About twice a month) that the kids are so excited to see us. In this particular school, we only teach grades 5 and 6 normally. This is pretty normal from what I hear.We studied "what time is it in New York?" in sixth grade and reviewed question sentences in fifth.

In between classes, the kids practice singing for the graduation ceremony that is coming up. The kids here practice singing every day at this time of the year, so most people have really nice voices! The first and second graders' song was really adorable! They were saying that their "big brothers" and "big sisters" will be graduating and leaving the school, good job and good luck! And please still play with us! That's going to cause a few tears in the actual ceremony.

Every morning before classes and evening after school, the middle schoolers (that's not an English word? Oh well.) also stand up and practice singing for the upcoming ceremony.

Lalala-!!! Or as the Japanese say, "Rarara-!"

One of the teachers that I have taught with and has been in the elementary school these past 3 years surprised me with some Dragonball Kai postal stamps! Score! That just made my day. He knows how interested (read: obsessed) I am in the series, and keeps an eye out for me for little goodies. A few months before, a coffee brand (BOSS, maybe?) was running a promotion, and gave out a little pull-back zippy cars (is there an actual name for those?) on the top of each coffee can. He apparently likes coffee and gave me a nice set of cars after the promotion was over. Luckily, my favorite series is very mass-marketable. Though it's not nearly as popular as the tycoons known as One Piece, Hello Kitty or Naruto. Those guys are EVERYWHERE!!!

Vroom vroom!

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