Thursday, April 9, 2009


So just got back from Boston...AMAZING trip ^_^ Thursday while visiting Alfred, Savannah and I decided at dinner that we should visit sean in boston. we left the next morning. lol. It was fun times, got to tour boston university, inner city (where a huge mall was, and the cheesecake factory was delicious!), the fine arts museum, and got a small taste of city living. it was only a 6 hour drive, plus the 1 hr train ride to seans place after parking at another part of the city.
When we got bored, there was the 37 inch monitor to play with, and much nerd talk that had to be talked. We only went to see the monitor. Which got me addicted to the tv series "The Big Bang." *watching 2nd season right now* ^^;

In other news, the trip to Japan is official! Everything's worked out, and now i just have to sign a few things, and sit on my hands for another month till i get to go. Got to meet Nick in japanese class last thursday, which was nice, good to know who im going to be spending at least 10 months with lol. Also great to see other people like Jason, Liz, etc.

Now the house is in super-clean mode, since Oma and Opa are coming up for easter this friday. Meanwhile, Mom has a nasty cold/flu/bug thing, Eric's still in school, and Dad's at work in pennsylvania.

New flickr site:

Also found this awesome site, it's for a podcast, but has the most random funny bits in the summaries:

nite all!

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