Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Springtime, for Nicole, in Amerrrrica~ *sings*

Whew, long time since I posted last. To quote the old saying, "spring has sprung." Okay, by this point, all the leaves have filled into the trees and the spring flowers have already died. But now everything is so green!

I'm now volunteering at the elementary school across the street from me a few times a week in their enrichment clusters. What that means is 2 other teachers and I take about 22 1st-2nd graders outside to weed flowers, plant some, admire nature, etc. Pretty fun actually, even though I know more about the plants than at least one of the teachers there ^^; We found a few frogs our first day out, and the kids crowded around them, fascinated. So cute.

I've also started babysitting 2 adorable children, their mom is part of G.R.A.S.P. (see side link) and a friend of my mom's. Hands-down easiest babysitting job ever. Pretty exhausting though, I spent this past Saturday night chasing around giggling girls, and playing "doctor," and catch.

In order to split this up, I'll make a few other posts about the cats and Japan ^^ But for now, pictures of spring.

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